Festejando, HSI Week, and Latinx Heritage Month

HSI Week and Latinx Heritage Month

El Centro is gearing up to begin organizing for National Observance of Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSIweek and Latine Heritage month coming up this fall '23. 
HSI week runs from Sept. 11th to Sept. 15th and Heritage month runs from Sept. 15th to Oct. 15th with the last week overlapping with Indigenous people's week. If you are interested in hosting a workshop or event for either HSI week or Heritage month click here to submit your proposal. 
Let us know if you have any questions!

Festejando Nuestra Comunidad

This year we are collaborating with community partners to host Festejando Nuestra Comunidad as our signature kick-off event for heritage month. For this event we will have campus and community organizations table to sell their wares and/or share information on the services they offer. We will also have children’s games, along with music, and dance demonstrations from Folklórico de Humboldt, Danza Azteca de Humboldt, and others. If you are interested in participating in this event you can click HERE to register for the event.